Saturday, May 28, 2016

The top 10 Asian Instant Noodles (Ramen)

My love of instant noodles started out with Top Ramen, just like every other American kid. But little did I know, I was only hitting the bottom layer! These delicious authentic Asian Instant Noodles can be found at Asian groceries or online.


This stuff is amazing. It contains a block of instant noodles that are exceedingly light and low in fat but not low in taste, especially with the garnish pack's "seasonal" veggie flavorings. It has a nice peppery flavor and a little heat but not overwhelmingly so. It's a real treat and goes great with eggs.


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Yeah I know, chicken instant noodles, how boring! But not this one. The broth is very good, warming your insides on a cold day. It's another one that gets even better with eggs—add the egg(s) with about 45 seconds remaining of cooking time in the pot to make the broth even heartier. It's a very relaxing bowl of noodles.


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This is a very recent addition to the Ramen Rater's Top Ten list. Having tried Shio instant noodle varieties in the past, I had a feeling this would be a good one, and it truly was. Very hearty noodles with an almost buttery-tasting broth, it's even more of a meal with added baked chicken, green onions, and a hard-boiled egg. And it comes with a little packet of sesame seeds!


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Twenty years after the introduction of the well-known Shin Ramyun, Nong Shim brought out Shin Ramyun Black. A huge block of noodles, a veggie packet that also contains freeze-dried beef, a red spicy seasoning, and onion and oxtail soup packets, this combination is a an insta-noodle onslaught of epic proportion. Best enjoyed with an egg, bok choy, and a single slice of American cheese, as recommended by


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Very good and very traditional for Japanese instant noodles. Noodles are a little chewy and the broth has hints of seafood. Yet again, it gets even better when you cook a couple eggs cooked with the noodles along with baked chicken, salt, and pepper.


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Like spicy? Like curry? This one from Indonesia fills both criteria and then some. The noodles are good but the real star here is the broth; a bit greasy and so flavorful. Not only is there a curry hotness but also sweetness too. It's excellent with a couple fried eggs.


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This stuff is great. It's cooked with a small amount of water as the noodles gobble it all up. Sweet and salty, plus it comes with a packet of ground seaweed to make it even more enjoyable. Goes well with a little bit of roast beef and chopped onions.


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Yakisoba is a very commonly enjoyed dish in Japan, and this variety puts a unique twist on it. You fill the box with boiling water, then there's a little drain spout to get rid of excess water. Add the flavoring and stir—then comes the fun. A little packet dispenses mayonnaise out of one reservoir and mustard from another! It's quite good, especially the vegetable part. Nothing to add to this one; enjoy in its native state!


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First off, it's a jumbo pack, which means even more of it. It also comes with a whopping five seasonings, from sweet soy sauce to spicy chili sauce. The noodles are served drained without a broth. The flavorings in concert with a couple fried eggs, some pickled ginger, and fried shallots make this one unmissable.

1. China: jinmailang beef with pickled cabbage noodles

Truly the best instant noodles I've ever had. I love these. The noodles are perfect consistency, very tasty; the seasonings provide a broad range of flavors, both spicy and sour. Enjoy it with some fried eggs, pickled ginger, fried shallots and Sriracha!

Friday, April 15, 2016

5 Things to know about Bubble Milk Tea~

For every classy, cosmopolitan college student, tea is a must. Not just any tea, though. Quali-tea (see what we did there?)
Nowadays, college students in large metropolitan areas can often be found at bubble tea hubs, playing board games and pool with their friends. Bubble tea, created in Taiwan, has become more popular over the years and now has tons of varieties from the popular summertime slush to the popping boba toppings.
Photo by Jocelyn Hsu
What happens when we want to try something new other than the original milk tea with boba? Do we opt for the traditional boba (tapioca balls) or do we try a new topping? What if the flavors clash? Based on my experience, I’ve realized five helpful hints in trying a new bubble tea combo for all bubble tea veterans and newbies alike.

1. NEVER Mix Milk Tea and Fruit Add-ins

Photo by Shen Swartout
Never, I repeat NEVER, add any type of fruit jelly or popping boba to a milk tea. The flavors will clash, for sure. The sweet creaminess of the milk tea never will, no matter how much you want it to, go with the sourness of the fruit jelly or the popping boba. No fruity things allowed. Thanks. Sorry… But not really.

2. Milk Tea and Pudding Are a Match Made in Heaven

Photo Courtesy of
Any type of milk tea with any type of pudding is bliss. Jasmine and mango pudding? Bliss. Taro and egg pudding? Bliss. Thai tea and milk pudding? Bliss. Get the picture?

3. Ice Cream Is Always Good (Duh)

Photo by Jocelyn Hsu
Ice cream is obviously good with anything, but in particular, try it with milk teas.

4. Pair Fruit With Fruit, Not Pudding

Photo Courtesy of
If you’re getting a fruit slush, pretty much every add-in will complement the fruitiness remarkably well, except for pudding. I personally like lychee jelly, but if you’re feeling adventurous, try out the rainbow jelly. Pudding is a no-go because the textures will not work, and the sourness of the slush will not go with the sweetness of the pudding.

5. Get Some Popping Boba In Your Life

Photo Courtesy of
Popping boba is a godsend. If you haven’t heard of popping boba yet, and you feel like your life has been missing a certain je ne sais quoi, it’s probably because you haven’t had it yet. Popping boba is a miraculous ball of fruit juice often added to bubble tea and frozen yogurt that pops in your mouth with a flavor explosion. Try it. Just try it. But be cautious.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Breakfast in China, what should you eat?

The most popular breakfast foods in China!

Breakfast foods in China widely differ from region to region. Therefore, it is hard to list all the Chinese eat for breakfast. Here we will introduce some traditional, popular, and famous Chinese breakfast foods. They are readily found on snack streets every morning!

Dim Sum

Dim sum (点心 diǎnxīn /dyen-sshin/ 'touch the heart') is one breakfast tradition that can be found in Chinatowns all over the world. It began in Cantonese-speaking Southern China as a snack to be eaten during yum cha (饮茶 yǐnchá /yin-chaa/), or 'drinking tea' time. The dishes are small and succulent.
At restaurants customers pick from a large selection of tasty choices, which are served in steamer baskets or on small plates.
Dumplings are a traditional dim sum treat. They are filled with vegetables, shrimp, tofu, or meat and wrapped in a translucent wheat or rice flour skin.
Other common dim sum dishes include bao, which are baked or steamed buns, as well as meatballs, chicken feet (known as "Phoenix claws"), small pastries, rolls, and sweets... The variety is almost endless.
Tea is also an important element of a traditional dim sum breakfast. Diners may choose from green, oolong, jasmine, chrysanthemum, or other types of tea. Learn more about How to Have Dim Sum and Yum Cha.

Steamed Stuffed Buns (包子 bāozi /baoww-dzuh/)

Chinese people eat baozi — steamed, filled buns — at any meal, but they are especially popular at breakfast. Baozi can be filled with ground pork, vegetables such as spinach or eggplant, eggs, or bean paste; indeed, there is an almost endless variety, both savory and sweet.
And variations of baozi can be seen regionally within China, including Tianjin 'dogs ignore' buns (狗不理包子 gǒubùlǐbāozi /go-boo-lee baoww-dzuh/) and Shanghai 'small basket buns' (小笼包 xiǎolóngbāo /sshyaoww-long-baoww/). They are a popular street food. Learn more about Chinese Steamed Stuffed Buns.

Rice Porridge or Congee

Congee (粥 zhōu /joh/) is probably the most common mainstay of the Chinese breakfast, it is a mild-flavored rice porridge that has been cooked long with plenty of water to soften the rice.
To give the congee flavor, congee is usually served with different toppings that vary by region, such as pickled vegetables, fermented tofu, peanuts, eggs, and meats.
Sometimes congee is made with black rice, which becomes purplish when cooked. Some find this colorful congee to be so flavorful; it doesn't require any toppings at all.
There are also many variations of congee based on different types of rice used and the additional ingredients, including beef, pork, preserved egg and meat (皮蛋瘦肉粥 pídàn shòuròu zhōu /pee-dan shoh-roh joh/), corn, and mung bean.


Many Chinese enjoy having a bowl of noodles for breakfast, and there is a wide variety of noodle dishes to choose from.
In Northern China, where wheat is more commonly eaten, a bowl of hot and flavorful wheat noodles is a popular breakfast dish.
In Wuhan, hot-and-dry noodles are eaten at breakfast by almost everyone. This dish is prepared by frying boiled noodles, drying them, then scalding them quickly and adding spicy condiments. The result is chewy and quite tasty.
Rice noodles are more often eaten in the South, along with steamed sweet potatoes, another Southern specialty. In Guilin, Guilin rice noodles is a very famous and popular cheap meal. Local people eat it not only as breakfast, but also lunch or dinner. This snack is made of boiled rice noodles, fried peanuts or soybeans, thin slices of different meats, chopped scallion, pickled mustard, and other ingredients that you can choose according to your preference.

Zongzi (Sticky Rice Dumplings)

Zongzi (粽子 zòngzi /dzong-dzuh/) are dumplings made of sweet glutinous rice, wrapped in bamboo leaves and steamed.
They can be bought at street stalls and have a variety of tasty fillings, including red bean paste, egg yolk, fatty pork, chestnut, and lotus seeds.Zongzi are especially popular as a festival food and are frequently eaten during the Dragon Boat festival. Learn more about Zongzi.


Wontons (馄饨húntún /hwnn-twnn/) are a traditional Chinese breakfast food. This popular food can be found in most Chinese cities. Wontons are made of a square wonton wrapper (a dough skin made of flour and water) and fillings.
They can be boiled in fragrant and watery broth, steamed in a bamboo steamer, or fried in a high-heat wok.
They are available with a large variety of fillings, such as ground pork, shrimp, fish, mushroom, and vegetables.
Actually each region of China has its own variations on the wonton. For example, in Guangdong, the wonton is usually filled with shrimp and minced pork, and served with tiny noodles to make 'wonton noodles'.
In Sichuan, because the Sichuan people like spicy food, wontons are served with red chili oil, and called 'red oil fried hands'(红油抄手 hóngyóu chāo shǒu /hong-yoh chaoww shoh/).
In Shanghai or Suzhou, wontons are usually served with chicken soup or pork bone soup. They are best eaten with something dry, like a boiled egg or steamed bun. Learn more on How to Cook Wontons.

Crepe Wraps

Chinese crepe wraps (煎饼 jiānbǐng /jyen-bing/) are quick-cooked thin pancakes or crepes filled with typically savory or spicy ingredients. A popular street food in China, they can be easily found, and are a favorite "breakfast on the run".
The crepes are usually wrapped around a deep-fried crispy dough slice, and topped with fried egg, finely chopped mustard pickles, scallions, coriander, and a spicy sauce.

Tangyuan (Dough Ball Soup)

Tangyuan (汤圆 tāngyuán /taang-ywen/ 'soup circle(s)') are ball-shaped dumplings made of sticky rice flour, with different fillings, such as white sugar, black sesame seeds, red bean paste, peanuts, walnuts, rose petals, and jujube paste, or any combination of two or three ingredients.
Tangyuan can be boiled, fried, or steamed, and are customarily served in clear soup, fermented rice soup (called 'sweet wine' 甜酒 tiánjiǔ /tyen-jyoh/), or in a ginger infused syrup. They are also a popular festival food eaten at the Lantern Festival.

Douhua (Tofu Pudding)

Douhua (豆花 dòuhuā /doh-hwaa/ 'bean flower') or tofu pudding is a popular Chinese snack made with very soft tofu. Flavors of douhua vary by region. In the North, people like to eat savory douhua with soy sauce or salt. However, in the South, people prefer the sweet version with ginger and brown sugar syrup. People usually eat douhua together with youtiao and eggs for breakfast.

Youtiao (Deep-Fried Dough Sticks)

Youtiao (油条 yóutiáo /yoh-tyaoww/ 'oil strip(s)') are long, brown, deep-fried sticks of dough, which are a very common breakfast ingredient in China. They are usually are eaten together with soy milk or rice congee.

Popular Chinese Breakfast Drinks — Soy Milk etc.

The most common drinks for breakfast in China are soy milk, cow's milk, yoghurt, and fruit juices, of which soy milk is the most popular one.

Doujiang (Soy Milk)

Doujiang (豆浆 dòujiāng /doh- jyang/) is a type of soy milk usually made with a blender. You can find freshly blended or boiled soy milk in urns at most breakfast stalls, which serve it sweet or savory. It is usually served warm and frequently eaten with youtiao. Soy milk with dough sticks is the most popular breakfast combo.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The best uniquely Asian Doritos Flavors

Our top 10 crazy yet delicious Asian Doritos flavors!

1. Coconut Curry

2. Wasabi Mayo

3. Butter & Soy Sauce

4. Fried Chicken

5. Sesame Chicken

6.Teriyaki Chicken Pizza

7. Stir Fry

8. Roasted Turkey

9. Crispy Salmon

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The top 3 Japanese Pocky Flavors!

The 3 Best Pocky Flavors!

Asian Snacks Online

Pocky is everywhere and in almost any flavor you can think of! So naturally we had to create a list of our top favorite flavors and why we love to stuff our face with them!

1. Cookies and Cream

This fancy-looking Cookies & Cream variety features cocoa infused biscuit sticks coated in a milky cream frosting, embedded with crushed little bits of chocolate cookie. The overall effect is like eating a delicious Oreo stick, you can munch your way through a whole box without even realizing it! 

2. Coconut

Coconut Chocolate Pocky is a delicious limited edition variety that is rarely found outside of it's summer season! It's chocolate creamy milk chocolate Pocky, which is much thicker than normal, embedded with loads of real coconut pieces! The flavor and texture of the coconut feeling really compliments the the smooth chocolate, and may help you to get back some of that summer feeling! 

3. Spotted Strawberry

Tsubu Tsubu is a Japanese term for food containing bits. This amazing Pocky variety contains strawberry flakes embedded in a creamy strawberry flavored coating. The real bits of strawberry give the stick a crunchy texture! The flavour is so realistic and vivid - these are a must-try for fruit-lovers or anyone wanting to try a fun variety of Pocky!

Get all your favorites, just search for Asian Snacks Online or Buy Asian Snacks Online and get tons of boxes and munch on a stash of your personal favorites!